SENTINEL in the 2023 Euro SPI2 Conference

SENTINEL in the 2023 Euro SPI2 Conference
SENTINEL in the 2023 Euro SPI2 Conference1
SENTINEL in the 2023 Euro SPI2 Conference2
SENTINEL in the 2023 Euro SPI2 Conference3

The SENTINEL team has participated in the 30th EuroSPI Conference, which took place on 30th of August – 1st of September 2023 and was hosted by Grenoble Institute of Technology, in France. Within the workshop, international key notes have raised through the plenary sessions, while thematic workshops took place with the result of integrating research and industry experience.

SENTINEL partners from LIST, presented a research paper titled “Digitalizing process assessment approach: An illustration with GDPR Compliance Self-Assessment for SMEs”. Due to a lack of resources, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle to identify both privacy requirements and the technical and organizational measures needed to meet them. To support the compliance of SMEs with GDPR, a regulatory technology has been developed based on the digitalization of a GDPR capability assessment approach. After introducing the main features of this regulatory technology, the paper presents the results of its assessment process, measurement framework and assessment model conformity assessment. The paper also discusses the challenges and opportunities offered by the automation of the ISO/IEC 330xx series assessment framework.