SENTINEL in the ESPRE 2022 event


The SENTINEL team has participated in the  9th International Workshop on Evolving Security & Privacy Requirements Engineering (ESPRE) Workshop, collocated with the 30th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, which took place virtually from Melbourne, Australia, on August 15th-19th, 2022. ESPRE included invited talks and paper presentations from distinguished members of the RE community and brought together practitioners and researchers interested in security and privacy requirements coming from 3 continents.

SENTINEL partners from IDIR presented a research paper titled "Capability-oriented RE for Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection: Meeting the challenges of SMEs". The talk focused on the existing lack of appropriate guidelines addressing specific SME needs and capabilities and described the conceptual foundation of the tailor-made requirements analysis used in SENTINEL during the self-assessment process. Based on this assessment the user gets a tailor-made set of security policy recommendations, per processing activity and for the SME as a whole. The approach which builds upon the e-CORE framework was demonstrated using examples from the SENTINEL pilot cases.