The IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR) took place virtually, on the 27th of July 2022. IEEE is an annual event sponsored by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Society. The conference focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of the security, privacy, trust, and resilience of networks, systems, and services as well as novel ways for dealing with their vulnerabilities and mitigating sophisticated cyber-attacks.
The Dissemination Manager of SENTINEL, Mr. Ruben Costa from UNINOVA, has presented a scientific article entitled “SENTINEL: Approachable, tailor-made cybersecurity and data protection for small enterprises”. The subsequent talk focused on the role of the SENTINEL offerings in supporting SMEs/MEs to raise awareness, achieve data protection, GDPR compliance and boost their capabilities. Future steps, including further technical development of the SENTINEL’s modules and contexts, as well as validation of various use cases in real-world settings, have been also presented and elaborated.